Are Boxers Good With Kids?
Their owners will tell you that boxers are the best dogs for many reasons, but are boxers good with kids? Their playful nature, upbeat attitude, and boundless energy make the breed ideal for keeping up with kids. Boxers and kids match well when training is begun at the puppy stage, and kids are taught how to treat dogs. As with any animal, however, boxers should be watched carefully when they are around children and vice versa since both animals and kids can be unpredictable.
What makes a dog good with kids?
What makes a dog good with kids?
Dogs who are aggressive, whether by nature or training, should not be paired with kids since the risk of the child being hurt is too great. The ages of the children should also be considered.
Babies are tiny and fragile, so even a tiny dog could frighten or hurt a child if the dog is very active or excitable. Older kids can usually handle a more active dog, but the children need to be taught how to treat dogs and how to play with them. Very large dogs might knock a child over, although some are gentle giants and are careful by nature. Dogs who are somewhat calm but like to play, have patience, and are gentle and good natured are appropriate choices for a household with kids, and that is practically the definition of a boxer.
Boxers are the perfect size
Boxers are the perfect size
Boxers are considered to be medium-size dogs but on the upper end of the size range, approaching the large dog category. While some larger dogs might knock over children and small dogs could be hurt by kids' rough play, boxers can hold their ground. Their upbeat, patient personality makes their size a plus rather than a problem around kids. Average male boxers stand 21 to 25 inches at the shoulders, while females are generally about 2 inches shorter. Males weigh an average of 65 to 80 pounds, and females weigh 50 to 65 pounds. Boxers are solid, athletic dogs who won't be intimidated by kids' rough play.
A boxer's demeanor is a good fit
A boxer's demeanor is a good fit
Their solid, muscular body may make some think boxers are serious, all-business dogs. They would be surprised to learn that boxers love to play and can even be silly at times, just like kids. Boxers are known for their patience, playfulness, and loyalty.
Unlike many lap dogs who would rather snooze or be petted, boxers like to be active. That could mean playing fetch with their favorite toy or going for a walk with the family or an older child. They are affectionate, active, and adaptable and are even good with very young children. They also take well to training, so you can teach your boxer how to get along in your family.
Are boxer puppies good with kids?
Are boxer puppies good with kids?
Like most puppies, boxers can be rambunctious and may get under kids' feet or run in circles around them while playing, making them a bit of a handful for babies and toddlers who are still toddling. Puppy owners would be wise to let their puppy get some energy out before putting little ones in the midst of the fray. Once kids are sure-footed themselves and are familiar with how their boxer behaves, they can be good together.
Boxers' affectionate, snuggly nature typically matches well with the hugs kids love to give; however, both kids and boxers require some training in how to behave around each other. Boxers can be stubborn, but their intelligence makes them quick learners, so start their training when they're puppies using positive methods only.