A Pet Bird Known For Following Commands Can Live For Over 80 Years
If you're looking for a long-lived feathery friend, this breed might be just right for you! However, a long life comes with a lot of care, attention, and love.
Read MoreIf you're looking for a long-lived feathery friend, this breed might be just right for you! However, a long life comes with a lot of care, attention, and love.
Read MoreBleach is one of the most common cleaning agents, but if you have pets, whether birds or dogs, in the home, you may want to try a safer alternative.
Read MoreBird feeders change the backyard game in more ways than one, and now you can add curbing avian infidelity to the list. Here's why, according to science.
Read MoreThinking about adding a duck to your flock? Here's what you need to know about their care and personalities before you bring home a web-footed friend.
Read MoreCertain bird types may dominate a backyard feeder. Making small but effective changes to your set up can reduce this behavior or eliminate it altogether.
Read MoreWhile adding a bird feeder to the yard might seem like a great way to support local wildlife populations, they come with certain health and safety risks.
Read MoreWild ducks may roam free all over the world, but their domesticated counterparts will never fly away from their caretakers for a key scientific reason.
Read MoreAlso sometimes called the rose-ringed parakeet, the Indian ringneck parakeet has specific breeding behaviors you need to know if you have some as pets.
Read MoreRestraining a bird can cause your pet a great deal of unnecessary stress. The right preparation and approach will make the act far less unpleasant.
Read MoreBird beaks come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Many birds have yellow beaks. All of them possess characteristics that make them unique.
Read MoreSometimes, you may want to call pigeons to you so you can feed them or take care of them. You can do this by making a pigeon call by blowing into your hands.
Read MoreBaby duck identification is often challenging for beginners; without the telltale feather coloration seen in adults, the task can be nearly impossible.
Read MoreThough they can all look alike, it's fairly easy to tell which Indian runner duck is male or female from their physical build, feathering, and even coloration.
Read MoreAlthough both males and females look nearly identical, careful observation of their physical characteristics can help you discern the sex of a baby mallard.
Read MoreWith most budgies, you won't notice any signs of gravidity, and there won't be any weight gain or anything else out of the ordinary to observe.
Read MoreThe sex of Rosy Bourke's parakeets can be difficult to differentiate, though behavioral clues, especially during mating season, can provide insight.
Read MoreIt may be difficult to tell the sex just by looking at Canadian geese, but observing their behaviors and social interactions may yield helpful clues.
Read MoreBudgies, or parakeets, can experience strokes, so you need to know the signs to watch out for, especially because they could indicate additional issues.
Read MoreParakeets are ovarian and do not become pregnant. Rather, they lay eggs. There are a few clues that indicate a female parakeet is preparing to do so.
Read MoreWhat Muscovy ducks might lack in good looks, they make up for in temperament and usefulness. It's also easy to tell females and males apart from an early age.
Read MoreSome species of cockatoo are sexually dimorphic and some aren't, and you'll have to wait a few years until the bird is mature to learn the sex.
Read MoreAlso known as Alexandrine parakeets, Alexandrine parrots need a specific diet to thrive in captivity. Here's what they need (and what to avoid).
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