Can You Keep Seahorses As Pets In Your Home Aquarium?
If you've ever watched seahorses swim around at the aquarium, you may wonder if they make good pets. Here's what to know before bringing a seahorse home.
Read MoreIf you've ever watched seahorses swim around at the aquarium, you may wonder if they make good pets. Here's what to know before bringing a seahorse home.
Read MoreDo goldfish have short memories? Learn more about the most common misconceptions surrounding goldfish before you bring home a finned friend from the shop.
Read MoreWhile not completely within your control, you can support your betta fish's longevity by choosing the right aquarium environment, tankmates, and diet.
Read MoreIn addition to physical harm, your cat can cause your fish to experience psychological strain. Here's how to minimize the stress and help them live in harmony.
Read MoreA fish can be a good first pet for a kid; however, it's best to start with a more resilient breed. Test the waters with one of these hardy options.
Read MoreNot all fish are compatible, both with prospective tankmates and owners. Some have personalities and needs that will make keeping them difficult.
Read MoreThis popular fish can be a high maintenance breed that needs particular care, so new fish owners should probably avoid buying them.
Read MoreMany pets make it obvious when they lie down for some shut eye; however, it isn't nearly so clear-cut for fish. Nevertheless, they have some sleeping tells.
Read MoreGoldfish may seem like a straightforward pet. Yet, they have specific care requirements that could take up more of your time than you expect.
Read MoreUnlike cats and dogs, goldfish have limited ways to communicate with their owners. However, their actions can still hint at their state of well-being.
Read MoreKnowing how to pair your aquarium fish is crucial if you want your pals to be happy and healthy, so start with understanding these 13 common predator species.
Read MoreCichlids grow at varying rates depending on their species and even sex, but we've got everything you need to know to estimate and optimize your fish's growth.
Read MoreWhen a goldfish's top fin lies down or is held close to the body, they are having what is called "clamped fins." This is a sign that your goldfish is stressed.
Read MoreSometimes an angelfish will develop a swollen or bloated belly. This swelling doesn't necessarily pose a risk to the animal, but could be a sign of a problem.
Read MoreDetermining when a fish is ready to give birth requires careful observation. Some lay eggs while others are called live-bearers and give birth to live young.
Read MoreAlthough the only official way to calculate the age of your goldfish is by examining his scales under a microscope, there are visual clues to goldfish age.
Read MoreThe Glofish's bright, fluorescent colors aren't just pretty to look at. They can also help you determine if your fish is a male or female.
Read MoreMale and female oscar fish look nearly identical, and can only be sexed with a careful examination of their genital areas once they've reached the right age.
Read MoreA typical goldfish diet consists of dried fish flakes, but if you want your goldie to have optimal nutrition, consider feeding them these natural foods.
Read MoreTetra fish spawn eggs, and they can create dozens at a time. Because of this, knowing the signs of when your pet fish is gravid is particularly crucial.
Read MoreIf you suspect your female danio may be ready to spawn, it's important to find out for sure so that you can prepare the tank for the baby fish, called fry.
Read MoreAre gouramis egg layers or live bearers? Keep an eye out for these signs from both the male and female if you think you may have some fry on the way.
Read MoreMale betta splendens, also called Siamese fighting fish, viciously attack other male bettas or any fish resembling another male betta.
Read MoreAlthough swim bladder disease in molly fish can be fatal, with early detection and treatment, your fish has a good chance for survival.
Read MoreLike other platys, Mickey Mouse fish breed easily. The female only needs to mate with a male once to give birth for several months in a row.
Read MoreWe don't typically think of fish having health problems like land-dwelling pets, but brown skin spots on goldfish can be serious if left unattended.
Read MoreFlowerhorn fish are beautiful cichlids. It's easy to tell flowerhorn sex in your tank based on the shape of the head and the size and shape of the fins.
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