Do Gourami Fish Get Pregnant? Here's What To Look For
Are gouramis egg layers or live bearers? Keep an eye out for these signs from both the male and female if you think you may have some fry on the way.
Read MoreAre gouramis egg layers or live bearers? Keep an eye out for these signs from both the male and female if you think you may have some fry on the way.
Read MoreHamster seizures are an uncommon and rarely studied occurrence. However, there are key symptoms to look for, especially with certain hamster species.
Read MoreMale betta splendens, also called Siamese fighting fish, viciously attack other male bettas or any fish resembling another male betta.
Read MoreIt may be difficult to tell the sex just by looking at Canadian geese, but observing their behaviors and social interactions may yield helpful clues.
Read MoreBudgies, or parakeets, can experience strokes, so you need to know the signs to watch out for, especially because they could indicate additional issues.
Read MoreWhile you won't be able to teach your pet to go to the bathroom in a litter box, many sugar gliders take to potty training, helping you avoid future accidents.
Read MoreParakeets are ovarian and do not become pregnant. Rather, they lay eggs. There are a few clues that indicate a female parakeet is preparing to do so.
Read MoreDetermining the sex of a tadpole is an invasive process that is impossible without the help of a professional. But as it matures into a frog, it may get easier.
Read MoreAlthough swim bladder disease in molly fish can be fatal, with early detection and treatment, your fish has a good chance for survival.
Read MoreLike other platys, Mickey Mouse fish breed easily. The female only needs to mate with a male once to give birth for several months in a row.
Read MoreWe don't typically think of fish having health problems like land-dwelling pets, but brown skin spots on goldfish can be serious if left unattended.
Read MoreWhat Muscovy ducks might lack in good looks, they make up for in temperament and usefulness. It's also easy to tell females and males apart from an early age.
Read MoreDetermining the sex of a chick is nearly impossible before a certain age, though there are still physical and behavioral differences you can look for.
Read MoreSome species of cockatoo are sexually dimorphic and some aren't, and you'll have to wait a few years until the bird is mature to learn the sex.
Read MoreFlowerhorn fish are beautiful cichlids. It's easy to tell flowerhorn sex in your tank based on the shape of the head and the size and shape of the fins.
Read MoreLeopard geckos lay eggs, as they are oviparous. Reptile experts refer to female leopard geckos carrying eggs as gravid, rather than pregnant.
Read MoreAlso known as Alexandrine parakeets, Alexandrine parrots need a specific diet to thrive in captivity. Here's what they need (and what to avoid).
Read MoreAfter birth or hatching from their eggs, chameleons begin eating and growing. Most species mature relatively quickly and seek out others of their kind.
Read MoreIt's a common misconception that sucker fish can meet their food needs via the algae build up in a tank. This isn't true, especially for growing plecostomus.
Read MoreRaising domestic rabbits isn't easy, but it's worth it if you do it right. Here's how to feed, house, and socialize your bunnies so they can live happily.
Read MoreSymptoms of a stroke in rabbits can resemble less serious afflictions, but it's better to be safe than sorry when your pet's health is at stake.
Read MoreTurtles aren't exactly known for their land speed, but some can move as quickly as the average human.
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