Be Cautious When Using Cleaning Wipes If You Have Pets
Cleaning wipes may seem like a convenient way to get rid of messes or disinfect around your house. However, they hold potential dangers for your pets.
Read MoreCleaning wipes may seem like a convenient way to get rid of messes or disinfect around your house. However, they hold potential dangers for your pets.
Read MoreAs long as you've confirmed that they don't have an underlying medical condition, you can dial back your pup's bad breath with small amounts of this herb.
Read MoreCats continue to go viral for their less-than-cool encounters with cucumbers. It turns out there's a science-backed explanation for their strong reactions.
Read MoreDalmations have long been associated with firehouses. This classic pairing dates back centuries and has evolved in recent years alongside technology.
Read MoreBathtime is often an ordeal, both for dogs and their human companions. Thankfully, a little bit of peanut butter can make the situation run much more smoothly.
Read MoreShedding is just part of life with a cat. However, you'll likely notice more hair floating around your home at particular points in the year.
Read MoreMany pets make it obvious when they lie down for some shut eye; however, it isn't nearly so clear-cut for fish. Nevertheless, they have some sleeping tells.
Read MoreSpices make excellent flavor enhancers for people food. However, they can be a risky endeavor for your dog, especially these common culprits.
Read MoreDoes your black cat's hair look brown in the sunlight? There are a few explanations for this phenomenon, including one that merits a trip to the veterinarian.
Read MoreDental hygiene is a major concern for boths cats and dogs. Though many pet parents see dry food as a potential solution, it can actually be part of the problem.
Read MoreA small cat native to southern Africa is a surprisingly efficient hunter, leaving many larger wild felines in the dust when it comes to killing prey.
Read MoreGoldfish may seem like a straightforward pet. Yet, they have specific care requirements that could take up more of your time than you expect.
Read MoreLeash pulling can be unpleasant for both you and your dog. Nip this bad habit in the bud with a few best practices to keep them safe and happy.
Read MoreMost dogs will walk in circles at some point in their life. However, this seemingly innocuous act can be a concerning symptom for aging canines.
Read MoreChoosing a Victorian cat name can be a great way to shine a light on certain aspects of your pet's personality. Here are 150 options to choose from.
Read MoreIf your cat has been lunging after your legs, don't worry, they're not mad at you. However, you may need to step up your playtime efforts.
Read MoreRaid may be an effective insecticide; however, pet owners should reconsider using some of the company's products due to the ingredients they contain.
Read MoreMr. Clean has long been known for its Magic Erasers and multi-surface sprays. While effective, pet owners may want to reconsider using them in their homes.
Read MoreWhile we may enjoy music and singing, the same can't be said of our feline friends. According to a study, cats don't necessarily like our kind of tunes.
Read MoreThe big, fluffy Maine coon is known for its friendly and water-loving nature. Choose a name for your cat that reflects their appearance, personality, and size.
Read MoreThough cats may not know what getting drunk is, they are extremely smart animals. You're not wrong to suspect that they understand something is different.
Read MoreWhether you are looking for cute black kitty names, witchy cat names, or names inspired by famous black cats, you've got a lot to choose from here.
Read MoreMost people choose a name for their dog that matches an element of their personality. If you want to do that with an Indian or Hindu name, here are 375 options.
Read MoreWe know that cats and dogs can detect that something is off when their human is drunk. Do the same rules apply to marijuana? What to consider.
Read MoreDogs are strong creatures; there's no denying that. And you can help symbolize that strength by giving your dog a powerful name from mythology, manga, and more.
Read MoreCorgis come in all shapes and sizes, but these mixes take the cake when it comes to maximizing the cuteness factor.
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